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Sinbad - the legendary saylor

Have you seen the animanted movie? Sinbad’s voice was done by Brad Pitt. I watch animated movies quite frequently– especially when I cook, it makes cooking time fun. I know them by heart , I just listen to the soundtrack. Cooking should be done with patience, it takes time to do everything perfect – and animated soundtraks  make my time spent in the kitchen really fun.

But that’s not the only reason I watch animated movies . Every animated movie has a great lesson to teach the children- and not only. I love watching them now as a grown up just see how much of those lessons I have applied in my life .

There’s a scene in “Sinbad : Legend of the Seven Seas” – Marina, Sinbad’s best friend fiancée, comes to Sinbad’s ship to make him a business proposal. He should risk his life to save his best friend from being executed. She doesn't speak of honnour , she speaks  his language – since he is a thief- and offers him diamonds to steal the Book of Peace to save her fiancee from being executed. Since she gives him money – and doesn’t appeal to his  loyalty for his best friend, Sinbad agrees to do the job. But he doesn’t also agree to treat her royally like his best friend probably always had. He is rude, brutal and pushes her nerves to the extremes. You may believe that is gonna make her hate him to death. But deep in our hearts we all know that is exactly why she will helplessly fall in love.

That’s what all heartbreakers know very well. They know they have to act "Sinbad" to steal a woman’s heart. But most of them are not the real thing. And that’s why they actually play the “hard to get” . They sell the illusion to the potential victim  and then run - so that she  never discovers  who he really is. You must be really lucky to meet the real Sinbad in this life…

Guess what? The other day I met an ex classmate of mine. We actually know each other since we were in kindergarten – I was the tallest kid in the group and he was second – and he  was the same until we were in the 8’th form  - and he still isn't taller than me now. We have  met three times along these last 4 years especially when I was shopping and he always invited me out to have a coffee and talk about our lives and all the other things to talk about with an ex classmate. And this last time I realized : this guy is the real thing, this guy is the real Sinbad!

He graduated a superior institute in Constanta – Romania so that he can live the life he always dreamed of  – sailing on a real ship. And now – guess what : he has 20 years of experience commanding ships. He sails all around the world transporting oil and his really true love is the sea. That’s why he’s alone. That’s why he cherrishes every single friend from his childhood  he meets and insists in spending some quality time with them. Because he's always on the run, he is always between adventures on the sea, he will soo sail again. And he will not put his feet on the ground for at least six months…

We were talking over a coffee and I studied him in detail. He  has all the qualities of a great father. But you can tell he is not the obvious great lover.Of course, I might be wrong . But he just doesn't seem to be the heartbreaker type. And not because he doesn’t look like Brad Pitt – though he isn’t an ugly man at all.

I remember him as a kid, I remember his nice intellectual parents, especially his Father – and they must have given him a  first 7 years high class education.You might think he is alone because he spends too long time away from the shore but I don’t think that’s the reason.  I think he just can’t help doing everything right, being nice to everyone, helping around as much as he can and just not knowing the use of pretending or telling a lie.

He didn’t say much but I understood there is a sad story left behind in Constanta. She probably left him for a  fake Sinbad who just knew how to sell an illusion instead  of the real thing.

Why are  people almost disgusted of the real thing? Why are they almost afraid of the truth? My ex class mate is a commandant  of a ship. The kind of person trained to stand in the storm and not run away like a chicken. The kind of person everybody listens to and know exactly what to do to bring the ship back safely to the shore. 

He will sail again soon. He probably already left and has his morning coffee , breathing deeply into his lungs the smell of the sea. I am happy that among all those fake Sinbads in my life, I actually had the chance to spend a very long time in my childhood with someone who has become e great commandor, a real Sinbad, the real thing…
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Felicia Kiyani (23.04.2013, 01:24)
Frumos ceea ce ai scris, m-a relaxat citirea articolului tau
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